Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Smoke Free Society Essay - 743 Words

Smoke Free Society Imagine yourself having dinner with your significant other in a fancy Italian restaurant. A huge lamp is hanging on the sky-high-ceiling, brightening the 200-people-capacity-room. The sound of a soft and gentle music creates a romantic atmosphere. It is the most wonderful evening that you ever had in your life; until a skinny, bald-headed-man who is sitting behind you lights a fire and starts smoking. You cant breathe comfortably anymore because of the smell, and the smoke makes your eyes smart. The perfect evening you are having is turning into a living hell. The above example describes how a non-smoker could suffer from smoking. There are many other disadvantages that a†¦show more content†¦The nicotine in the toxins causes the fetus to grow inconsistently, and often brings death to it. If it is lucky enough, the child will survive, but he or she will be born with a handicap. Another disease that these toxins can cause is asthma. It might not be as deadly as the ones ab ove, but it is bad enough to disable somebody to do something which he or she is capable of doing. For example, a child who is capable to become a good swimmer might not be able to swim because his lungs have been intoxicated by nicotine that he or she gets from passive-smoking. These intoxicated lungs create asthma, and disable the child to breathe properly. If the child cant even breathe properly, how do you expect him or her to become a good swimmer? In America, the habit of smoking has spread throughout the society. Whose rights are really being violated? When smokers light up among us nonsmokers (including infants and children), we have no choice but to breathe in their toxic residue. Simply having smoking sections in restaurants does not solve the problem. This is the same as requesting to swim in the non-chlorinated end of the swimming pool. Besides killing, we also find smoking to be irritating for a number of reasons. For instance, the smell of smoke is awful, it clings to your clothing, and itShow MoreRelatedSmoking Bans On New Jersey924 Words   |  4 Pagesbars, parks, and clubs. Nonsmokers can consume second hand smoke which is dangerous. The risk of smoking in a building can result in a fire and lead to traumatic events. The smell of smoke can deter people from coming in. Smoking bans are very important to preserve intact, so we don’t have these risks to society and businesses. For a long time people have had different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is their right to smoke where and when they want, and nonsmokers feel like theirRead MoreEssay on Smoking; Who Does it Really Affect?1128 Words   |  5 PagesSecondhand smoke is extremely hazardous. It can cause death and dangerous health defects. Therefore, smoking is not only bad for the smoker, but for people around him or her to o. However, there are only few laws that restrict public smoking. 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